

The mechanism and application of sodium oxide inhibitors

In order to improve the selectivity of the flotation process, enhance the effects of collectors and foaming agents, reduce the mutual inclusion of useful component minerals, and improve the slurry conditions of flotation, regulators are often used in the flotation process. Adjusters in the flotation process include many chemicals. According to their role in the flotation process, they can be divided into inhibitors, activators, medium adjusters, defoaming agents, flocculants, dispersants, etc.

During the froth flotation process, inhibitors are agents that can prevent or reduce the adsorption or action of the collector on the surface of non-flotation minerals, and form a hydrophilic film on the surface of the minerals.

Sodium oxide inhibitor is one of the important inhibitors in the froth flotation process.

How sodium oxide inhibitors work

The principle behind the use of sodium oxide (Na2O) as an inhibitor in mineral flotation involves its chemical properties and interaction with mineral surfaces. This article will introduce in detail the molecular structure, chemical formula, chemical reaction and inhibition mechanism.

Molecular structure and chemical formula

The chemical formula of sodium oxide is Na2O, which is a compound composed of sodium ions (Na^+) and oxygen ions (O^2-). In mineral flotation, the main function of sodium oxide is to chemically react with its oxygen ions on the mineral surface, thereby changing the properties of the mineral surface and inhibiting the flotation of certain minerals.

Application and principle of sodium oxide in mineral flotation

1. Surface oxidation reaction

During the mineral flotation process, sodium oxide can undergo an oxidation reaction with the surface of some metallic minerals. This reaction usually involves sodium oxide reacting with oxides or hydroxides on the mineral surface to produce more stable compounds or to form surface coatings that hinder the flotation of the mineral.

For example, on the surface of iron minerals (such as Fe2O3 or Fe(OH)3), sodium oxide can react with it to form stable sodium iron oxides, such as NaFeO2:




These reactions cause the surface of iron minerals to be covered with sodium iron oxide, thereby reducing its adsorption capacity with flotation agents (such as collectors), reducing its flotation performance, and achieving inhibition of iron minerals.

2. pH adjustment effect

The addition of sodium oxide can also adjust the pH value of the flotation system. In some cases, changing the pH of the solution can affect the charge characteristics and chemical properties of the mineral surface, thereby affecting the mineral selectivity during flotation. For example, in the flotation of copper minerals, appropriate pH conditions are very important to inhibit the flotation of other impurity minerals.

3. Selective inhibition of specific minerals

The inhibitory effect of sodium oxide is usually selective and can achieve inhibitory effects on specific minerals. For example, the inhibition of iron minerals is more effective because the reaction between sodium oxide and the surface of iron minerals is relatively strong, and the sodium iron oxide coating formed can effectively hinder its interaction with the flotation agent.

4. Factors influencing the inhibition mechanism

The effectiveness of sodium oxide as an inhibitor is affected by many factors, including the concentration of sodium oxide in the solution, the chemical composition and structure of the mineral surface, the pH value of the solution, and other operating conditions during the flotation process. These factors work together to determine the inhibitory effect and suitability of sodium oxide in a specific flotation system.

Summary and application prospects

As an inhibitor in mineral flotation, sodium oxide chemically reacts with the mineral surface to change its surface properties, thereby achieving selective inhibition of specific minerals. Its mechanism of action involves surface oxidation reaction, pH adjustment and influence on mineral surface chemical properties. With the continuous in-depth research on mineral flotation theory and technology, the application of sodium oxide and other inhibitors will be more precise and efficient, providing more possibilities and solutions for the mineral processing industry.

This combination of theory and practice provides mineral flotation engineers and researchers with the opportunity to deeply understand and utilize inhibitors to optimize mineral recovery and product quality.

Post time: Jun-26-2024