

The main classifications of fertilizers and their characteristics. Which fertilizer is the best?

Fertilizer is an indispensable and important substance in agricultural production. It provides plants with the nutrients needed for growth. There are many types of fertilizers, and each fertilizer has its own unique characteristics and applicable scenarios. Today I will share with you the main characteristics of each type of fertilizer.

1. Organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer, also known as farmyard manure, is the basic fertilizer for traditional agriculture in my country. It is mainly derived from animal and plant residues or excreta, such as livestock and poultry manure, crop straw, fish meal, bone meal, etc.

With the development of technology, what we now call organic fertilizer has long gone beyond the concept of farmyard fertilizer and has begun to be produced in factories and become commercial fertilizer.

Organic fertilizer contains a large amount of biological matter, animal and plant residues, excrement, biological waste, etc. It is rich in various nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as organic acids, peptides, and abundant nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. nutrient.

It has comprehensive nutrients and long-lasting fertilizer effect. It can also increase soil organic matter, promote microbial reproduction, and improve the physical and chemical properties and biological activity of the soil. It is the main source of nutrients for green food production. The fertilizer effect is slow and is usually used as base fertilizer.

2. Chemical fertilizers (inorganic fertilizers)
Chemical fertilizers are referred to as “chemical fertilizers”. Everyone must be familiar with this. It is a fertilizer made through chemical and physical methods that contains one or several nutrients needed for the growth of crops. It has become indispensable in the modern agricultural production process. means of production.

Chemical fertilizers can be divided into macroelement fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), medium element fertilizers (calcium, magnesium, sulfur), trace element fertilizers (zinc, boron, molybdenum, manganese, iron, copper, chlorine) and fertilizers containing two elements. Compound fertilizer of one or more elements.

Common nitrogen fertilizers include urea, ammonium bicarbonate, etc., phosphate fertilizers include superphosphate, calcium magnesium phosphate, etc., potassium fertilizers include potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, etc., and compound fertilizers include diammonium phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium ternary complex. Fat and so on.

Chemical fertilizers have high nutrient content, fast fertilizer effects, are easy to use, and are clean and hygienic (compared to farmyard fertilizers). However, they have relatively single nutrients. Long-term use can easily lead to soil hardening, soil acidification, or salinization and other undesirable phenomena.

3. Microbial fertilizer (bacterial fertilizer)
Microbial fertilizer is commonly known as “bacterial fertilizer”. It is a bacterial agent made from beneficial microorganisms separated from the soil and artificially selected and propagated. It is a kind of auxiliary fertilizer.

Through the life activities of the microorganisms contained in it, it increases the supply of plant nutrients in the soil and production environment, and can also produce plant growth hormones, promote plant growth and development, inhibit harmful microbial activities, and improve plant disease resistance, thereby achieving increased production and improvement. quality purpose.

Post time: Jun-04-2024