

Production and environment of copper sulfate (a brief discussion)

1. Characteristics and purification process of anhydrous copper sulfate:

The physical appearance is white or off-white powder, soluble in water and dilute ethanol, but insoluble in absolute ethanol. It has high stability and chemical stability, is not easy to decompose, and is difficult to react with other compounds at room temperature. Good thermal stability, easy to deliquesce in humid air, forming black copper oxide at high temperatures. When dissolved in water, anhydrous copper sulfate reacts with water molecules to generate soluble copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4·5H2O), a substance with blue crystals that is commonly used in laboratory teaching and chemical reagents. It can react with many organic compounds, such as reacting with fatty alcohols to produce the corresponding alkylate. Anhydrous copper sulfate has a certain degree of toxicity. When using it, you must comply with relevant regulations and operating requirements to ensure safety.

1. The purification process of anhydrous copper sulfate generally adopts the following steps:

Dissolution of raw materials: Put crude copper sulfate into a dissolution tank, add an appropriate amount of water, and heat to 60~80°C to completely dissolve it. Oxidation and impurity removal: Add an appropriate amount of oxidants, such as nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, etc., to the dissolved solution and stir evenly to oxidize the impurities in the solution. Filtration: Filter the oxidized solution to remove solid impurities. Adjust the pH value: Add an appropriate amount of alkali, such as sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, etc., to the filtered solution to adjust the pH value to 4.0~4.5 to allow copper ions to form copper hydroxide precipitate. Precipitation: Precipitate the solution to completely precipitate copper hydroxide. Washing: Wash the precipitated copper hydroxide to remove surface impurities. Drying: Dry the washed copper hydroxide to remove moisture. Burning: The dried copper hydroxide is burned to decompose it into copper sulfate. Cooling: The burned copper sulfate is cooled to obtain anhydrous copper sulfate product.
2. Catalyst for the synthesis of spices and dyes in organic industry, and used as polymerization inhibitor of cresol methacrylate. In the coatings industry, anhydrous copper sulfate is used as a biocide in the production of ship bottom antifouling paints. In terms of analytical reagents, anhydrous copper sulfate can be used to prepare Solution B of Fehling’s reagent for identifying reducing sugars and Biuret reagent for identifying proteins. Anhydrous copper sulfate is also used as a food-grade chelating agent and clarifier in preserved egg and wine production processes. In agriculture, anhydrous copper sulfate can be used as a copper-containing fertilizer and can be used as base fertilizer, top dressing, seed treatment, etc. to provide sufficient copper elements for crops.
2. Detection and production of feed grade copper sulfate:
Mainly focus on its purity, ingredient content and heavy metal content. The production aspect includes mineral processing, leaching, extraction, electrolysis and other steps.
For testing, the main purpose is to test various indicators of feed-grade copper sulfate, such as copper sulfate content, moisture, free acid, iron content, arsenic content, zinc content, etc. The measurement of these indicators can ensure that the quality of feed grade copper sulfate reaches the standard and complies with relevant national standards.
In terms of production, it is first necessary to recycle and select copper-containing industrial waste to obtain raw materials suitable for the production of copper sulfate.Then the raw materials are processed through mineral processing

Preliminary processing is carried out to obtain ore with higher copper content. The copper is then extracted from the ore through chemical methods such as leaching and extraction. Finally, the extracted copper ions are reduced to metallic copper through electrolysis and further processed into feed grade copper sulfate.

Post time: Jul-23-2024