

Do foreign trade customers need to pay for sending samples?Different customer response methods

Learn to judge the customer’s purchasing sincerity before sending samples?
First of all, we need to determine the type of customer and whether the customer is a valid customer. Then we know whether and how to send samples to customers.

1. Customers who really want products and are sincere in doing business will leave detailed contact information, such as:
Company name, address, phone number, fax, email, etc. On the other hand, when looking at the general inquiry peers, in order to conceal their identities, they often leave incomplete information, or it is false. How to verify it? Of course, the simplest thing is to make a phone call. In an English conversation, ask the other party’s company name, product range, and relevant contacts. You will know the authenticity at a glance.

2. Ask your potential buyers to provide their company website.
A slightly formal company will have its own website. If this company really exists, then their website should exist, and the basic description should be the same as what you see in the email.

3. Use GOOGLE to search the system yourself
If your customer tells you that they are the top three stationery importers in North America, you can actually find out if their statement is correct by just searching, and you can also get some other information related to their company.

4. Use customs data for customer backtracking
Understand his purchasing rules, such as purchasing season, purchasing quantity, purchased product type, etc., and first make a basic judgment on the customer.

5. Customers who are truly sincere about buying a product will not only ask about the price
It also involves payment methods, delivery time and other transaction conditions, etc. Especially when asking for price, they will usually quote different quantities, because different order quantities will result in different prices.

6. Ask your guests to provide their company’s bank account number
Use your account bank to check whether its creditworthiness is reliable, as well as some important information about the company’s operating conditions.

7. Judge through language
Generally speaking, emails with relatively rigid English and extremely standard grammar are usually written by Chinese people. Looking back at the emails written by foreign customers, it is obvious that there is a foreign flavor in the language, especially in spoken words.

8. Use technical means to check email validity
For customers’ emails, you can use technical means to check them. If they are consistent with their company’s address, it can basically prove the authenticity of the customer.

Under what circumstances can I send samples for free?

Let’s be clear first. The main premise of sending samples for free is that the value of the samples is not high. If the value of the sample is relatively high, we may not be able to bear the cost.

1. The sample cannot be used and is only used for appearance and quality reference.
For example, a company’s product is a wall panel for decoration. When sending samples, it will not send the entire wall panel, but a small piece. Such samples cannot be used directly and may be sent free of charge.

2. Have a deep understanding of customer communication and be quite sincere.
Then communicate with the customer and understand them deeply, follow them for a long time, the other party has a strong intention to cooperate, and you can clearly feel the customer’s sincerity. You can also adopt the method of sending samples for free. For example: customers call continuously to inquire about product status, product quotations, etc.

3. Customers are target customers that you really want to cooperate with.
Factories or enterprises really need such products in their production and operations, or there is data to prove that the customer company imports such products, which are usually our target customers. If this customer takes the initiative to contact us, we can use free full-mail samples, showing considerable sincerity.

Post time: Jun-28-2024